Grandmaster Chris Chan 2005 Hall of Fame Award - Landmark Living Legend Award
Grandmaster Chris Chan was inducted into Hall of Fame in 2005 for the Landmark Living Legend Award by Dr. Jim Thomas
Chris Chan’s ‘historic” wing chun event included promotions and never-before-seen demonstrations.
Chris Chan’s ‘historic” wing chun event included promotions and never-before-seen demonstrations. By Ken Chun SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.
Chris Chan's Wing Chun and Bruce Lee San Francisco Bay Area Roots on Bay Area Backroads TV Show
In studios..and in basements here in the Bay Area...authentic kung fu is being taught as it has for centuries. Sifu, or master, Chris Chan e
Complete Wing Chun: The Definitive Guide to Wing Chun's History and Traditions
Good book on Wing Chun. Grandmaster Chris Chan (Chan Shing) and his other fellow wing chun martial artists are credited for the spread of wi